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Wild Bunch - 11.6

Philippe Godeau


Status: Completed

Director(s): Philippe Godeau

Main cast: François Cluzet, Bouli Lanners, Corinne Masiero

Short synopsis : Toni Musulin. Security guard. Porsche owner. Loner. Enigma. An ordinary man seeking revenge for humiliation at the hands of his bosses. A man with a slow-burning hatred of the system. And the man behind ''the heist of the century''.

Long synopsis : November 5th, 2009, 10:00: Toni Musulin gently presses the accelerator in his armored van. In the back are 11.6 million Euros. In just a few days, the anonymous security guard becomes a public figure. He is “the brains behind the heist of the century”, thrust into a huge media frenzy centered on a robbery without violence that yielded unprecedented spoils. A man seeking revenge for humiliation at the hands of his boss and the system, Toni is deeply unpredictable - one day, an ordinary guy in grey sweats cycling around town, the next the proud owner of a red Ferrari he races in Monaco. As he says of himself, he’s a first class gentleman stuck in a second class seat. He plans his sting like he plans his life - meticulously. It takes a year to leave his wife and break with his only friend. One year to perfect his solo attack, taking advantage of flaws in the system Toni knows inside out.  


  • François Cluzet, Bouli Lanners, Corinne Masiero, Juana Acosta, Johan Libéreau, Mireille Franchino


  • Producer(s): Philippe Godeau
  • Director(s): Philippe Godeau
  • Screenplay: Agnès de Sacy, Philippe Godeau, Alice Géraud-Arfi
  • DP: Michel Amathieu
  • Editing: Thierry Derocles
  • Genre(s): Action, Drama, Thriller

  • Production company: PAN EUROPEENNE PRODUCTION
  • Production date: 2012
  • Language: French
  • Duration: 102 min
  • Image Ratio: 0.00
  • COLCOA 2013
  • Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2013
  • Chicago French Film Festival 2013
  • Oldenburg International Filmfestival 2013
  • Vancouver International Film Festival 2013
  • BFI London Film Festival 2013
  • Sao Paulo Mostra Internacional de Cinema 2013

